Digital Downloads

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"Let's Talk Dutch" with "Dutch Al" Dubs (Digital Download)
Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.
Sundaagschul un Singes in die Scheier (Digital Download)
Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.
Scheeni Gedichde un Aldi Grischtliche Lieder (Digital Download)
Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.
Die Grischtdaagszeit (Christmastime) (Digital Download)
Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.
Im Schpotyaahr (Digital Download)
Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.
Die Summerzeit (Digital Download)
Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.
Der Winder Kummt! (Digital Download)
Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.
Deitsche Schtories vum Harry Lauer (Digital Download)
Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.
Im Friehyaahr (Digital Download)
Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.
En Deitsch Gschwetz mit em Tschessie Schtambach (Digital Download)
Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.
En Deitsch Gschwetz mit em Robert un die Ella Welsh (Digital Download)
Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.
Deitscher Gschpass - Aldi "Tschoeks" in Pennsylfaanisch Deitsch (Digital Download)
Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.

"Let's Talk Dutch" with "Dutch Al" Dubs (Digital Download)

Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.

Sundaagschul un Singes in die Scheier (Digital Download)

Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.

Scheeni Gedichde un Aldi Grischtliche Lieder (Digital Download)

Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.

Die Grischtdaagszeit (Christmastime) (Digital Download)

Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.

Im Schpotyaahr (Digital Download)

Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.

Die Summerzeit (Digital Download)

Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.

Der Winder Kummt! (Digital Download)

Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.

Deitsche Schtories vum Harry Lauer (Digital Download)

Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.

Im Friehyaahr (Digital Download)

Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.

En Deitsch Gschwetz mit em Tschessie Schtambach (Digital Download)

Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.

En Deitsch Gschwetz mit em Robert un die Ella Welsh (Digital Download)

Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.

Deitscher Gschpass - Aldi "Tschoeks" in Pennsylfaanisch Deitsch (Digital Download)

Compiled and published by Kreutz Creek Center for Language, Culture & Other Pastimes. Butch Reigart, translator and editor.
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