Pennsylvania Dutch Dictionary

PA Dutch Wordle

We have developed a PA Dutch version of Wordle available here using an open source platform called React Wordle. Enjoy!

Spell checker for Pennsylvania Dutch

Click here to download spell checkers for LibreOffice and Microsoft Office.

Pennsylvania Dutch translation corpus

A new translation corpus of Pennsylvania Dutch to English texts (and vice versa) is now available at The texts additionally identify the lemma (dictionary form) and part of speach of the PA Dutch words. This resource will help you study more deeply the meanings of PA Dutch words and phrases and better understand word usage and inflections. We thank Barbara Hans-Bianchi and Camilla Balsamo for this powerful tool.

Pennsylvania Dutch 101

Doug Madenford maintains a YouTube channel, featuring an online PA Dutch Course and regular videos, a blog, and other resources, all accessible at PA Dutch 101.

Easy Deitsch

Click here for PA Dutch instructional videos from Luella Sebo, an instructor of PA Dutch at Northampton Community College.

Archive Videos of Versammlinge un Grundsau Lodsch Versammlinge

Archived at Kutztown University.

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